The Top 6 Reasons Why You are Failing to Meet Your Goals

People often fail to realise their goals in many aspects of their lives. In many cases, goals are attached to lifelong dreams that an individual is very passionate about for example passing GCSEs and being able to take A Levels and eventually, a degree.
So why is it so difficult to achieve your goals? Why do you often see other people realising their dreams left and right, while you struggle to do so? It’s not that you are lazy. If you are spending a lot of time and energy chasing your dreams, you are to be congratulated. This means that you don’t mind working hard to attain a result that is valuable and important to you. What may have slowed you down on the path to realising your dreams are the following six common reasons why people fail to meet important goals they have set for themselves.

    1. You set goals that were impossible for you to achieve. If you are naturally a grade 5 pupil, it may be overreaching to try and achieve a 9. Yes, your goals should be challenging, but actually achievable. Be realistic.
    2. You think of your goals as negative statements. The human subconscious is what works on your goals. It doesn’t understand negative thoughts. If you set a goal of “not failing your exams”, your subconscious hears “failing your exams”. Profess your goal as a positive statement, such as, “I will pass my exams.”
    3. Your goals are not written down. There are countless stories of people that achieved their goals after writing them down. Don’t underestimate the power of writing out your goals and reviewing them daily or at least weekly.
    4. You’re not measuring your progress. If you don’t know where you’re going, and how far you’ve gone, how do you know when you get there? Break a large goal into smaller goals. Recording your progress improves your chances of success.
    5. You don’t celebrate small victories. The accomplishment of your goals must be built up slowly. Give yourself periodic encouragement as you achieve small victories on the way to your major goal e.g. doing well in your final year GCSE exam. This continually stokes the fire of your desire which gives you the willpower and determination to realise your dreams.
    6. You are in an environment which is not conducive to you achieving your goals. If your family and friends are not supportive of your dreams, all your work may be for nought. The same can be said of your physical environment.

So which of these do you do/not do? The most important thing to remember is to never give up on your dreams (but be realistic). Write down your goals as positive statements and measure your progress to achieving this goal, celebrating wins along the way. Hopefully, your family and friends are there to support you on your journey!

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September 23, 2022

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