The 8 Types of Learning Styles

Everyone has a personal learning style. Many people have trouble figuring out which learning style fits their own personality. This article outlines the different types of learners and how each one of the is taught. To learn more about your own learning style, read on!

Visual Learners

Visual learners learn best when they see information, including text, photographs, illustrations (including images, diagrams, and charts) and video. These learners can glean information from textbooks, classroom handouts, and even videos. They are also likely to enjoy reading assignments and taking notes by hand. Visual learners do best when teachers are able to use diagrams and photos to explain things. They may need to plan out their thoughts before they can learn. Visual learners tend to be more patient when listening in class and tend to take good notes.

Aural Learners

Aural learners benefit from thinking and speaking out loud. Parents and educators can help auditory learners learn by having them talk through concepts or problems. Auditory learners also benefit from repetition and Q&A sessions. For the most part, auditory learners are social learners and enjoy group settings. They are also good at memorizing information, and they can easily learn a new language. In fact, auditory learners are the most likely to become musicians. Aural learners can benefit from listening to books, listening to podcasts, and playing music. They can also benefit from debates on a particular topic. The use of music can make learning more interesting and fun. Songs can help students learn concepts or recall memories. Other songs about the human digestive system, the skeletal system, or sound waves can be used to teach new concepts. To help them process information, they should practice writing down their thoughts. This will help them stay focused and engaged. They can also benefit from discussion. This way, they can get the information they need without having to worry about zoning out.

Kinaesthetic (Physical) Learners

One of the eight types of learning styles is the kinaesthetic learner. This style puts an emphasis on hands-on experience. For this reason, kinesthetic learners often pursue careers that require a hands-on approach. These careers include the arts, sports, and medicine. While the theory of a subject is important, many physical learners also want to do the material. A physical learner processes information through movement, hands-on activities, and imitation games. These students are best served by hands-on activities, Students with a physical learner’s learning style can excel in experiments and demonstrations. Live videos, field trips, and experiments are among the best ways to stimulate their sense of touch. During class, they might fidget or talk with their hands.

Linguistic (Verbal) Learners

If you are a verbal learner, you might be wondering how to motivate yourself to improve your learning skills. Linguistic learners learn best by reading, speaking, and writing. Verbal learners have a natural preference for visual information. They enjoy listening to stories, playing word games, and memorising facts. They are great public speakers. They enjoy role playing, stories, and written materials for them to re-read. They will also benefit from lists of key words.

Logical Learners

The logical learner prefers to process information in an orderly fashion. They like following rules and instructions and enjoy working with numbers and patterns. They also appreciate being around people and are very organised, and tend to categorise tasks, connect concepts and incorporate goals to stay on task. Despite their orderly habits, they may not be the best learners for a particular subject. For this reason, it’s important to provide more information on this style of learner so you can better engage them with your course. They typically do best in math, computers and science related fields. If you want to pursue a career in these fields, you’ll need to study well with numbers. Many logical learners are good at problem-solving and enjoy reading, drawing, and role-playing. They also enjoy making lists and plan for the future.

Interpersonal (Social) Learners

There are eight basic types of learners, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Interpersonal learners are naturally social and enjoy being around other people. They enjoy working with a group and will often seek out opportunities to work in a teacher-student or mentor-mentee relationship. They also prefer a collaborative learning environment and are drawn to leaders with a high degree of confidence. Social/interpersonal learners like to participate in groups and clubs. They are usually encouraged to discuss their opinions with others and participate in discussions. Many of these students are also good at participating in forums, as they can engage with people all over the world. They can be motivated by debates and different points of view, and they excel at teaching others. While there are advantages and disadvantages to working as a social/interpersonal learner, it is important to remember that some students are better at group settings than others.

Intrapersonal Learners

Intrapersonal learners have a variety of strengths and weaknesses. They often prefer to learn by themselves. They can study and retain information better if they have the privacy of their own home. Most are fluent readers and they are more independent and are more motivated if they are not distracted by other people. Those who prefer a more social atmosphere tend to work best in groups. Intrapersonal learners also have high standards and value independence. If you’re an intrapersonal learner, try creating a reflective narrative. Some introverts like to write about their own life experiences or share firsthand accounts of historical figures. They often prefer these types of texts over textbooks, too. They may also find it more beneficial to work on projects together, particularly in science and technology. It is much more efficient and interesting to collaborate than to work alone. Younger learners might prefer to discuss one picture from their lives. For intrapersonal learners, activities that combine multiple intelligences are ideal. They need time to process their ideas, which is why parents and educators should direct their children towards self-development activities such as reading, traveling, and writing. Some intrapersonal learners, on the other hand, might enjoy being left alone at home. Ultimately, they’re interested in working with other people but need to have the opportunity to spend some quality time with themselves. They are also more likely to go into creative fields or become entrepreneurs.

Naturalistic Learners

Naturalistic learners thrive on hands-on activities and observation. They love to explore nature and name various cloud formations. They can easily connect stories to the real world by using photographs and maps. They also like to get dirty and prefer hands-on experiences. Naturalistic learners are more interested in science and experimentation and often find their subjects most interesting. Regardless of their learning style, they can benefit from hands-on activities and interactive exercises. They are also a great fit for STEM careers,

So, what is your preferred learning style? Let us know in the comments below!


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October 6, 2022

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